Guys, I don’t know about you but I’m having ALLLLL the feels right now for the new Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick. The video features a diverse and group of athletes with unique stories, varying abilities in all shapes and shades.
“If people say your dreams are crazy, if they laugh at what you think you can do — good, stay that way,” “Because what non-believers fail to understand is that calling a dream crazy is not an insult, it’s a compliment.” Colin narrates in the video. Moved to the end for flow, but either work
Watching this commercial reminded me of my one of my favourite experiences from this summer, The Nike’s Crown League Womens Training. I was one of 10 fortunate women invited to take part in a 4-week basketball training journey with Nike. Naturally, I immediately started telling all my friends that the WNBA would probably draft me by Week 2. (Like Kaepernick says, dream big!) LOL.
Our coach each week was former Canadian Olympian Alisha Tatham, and seeing as most of us hadn’t played basketball since high school, she had her work cut out of her. The sessions featured workouts inspired by two of the top NBA players. Up first was Kyrie Irving and ball handling drills, hand downs the hardest week for me!). We geared up in the latest Nike Basketball apparel and I was treated to my VERY FIRST basketball shoes ever, The KYRIE 4.

Elaine Fancy Photography

Elaine Fancy Photography

Elaine Fancy Photography
Let me tell you this, I have now have so much respect for the research and craftsmanship that goes into these shoes, you have no idea (you seriously have no idea…unless you do, then good for you). The KYRIES offered a nice amount of cushion, constant support and solid traction. It really taught me that no matter what sport or activity you’re doing; you really want to make sure that you’re equipped with the right gear. Omg, remember when I used to wear training shoes to run?! (You can read about that life lesson here).
Week Two we broke in our KYRIES some more while coach Tatham taught us finishes (a fancy word for layups). We “mastered” the overhand layup, finger roll layup, the reserve layup and then I went and layed up on the bench cause it was hella exhausting! As a fitness expert, you’d think that 45 minute of basketball would be a breeze. WRONG! It’s such a different intensity to lifting weights or teaching a dance class or going for a jog. That’s why I always say, just find whatever makes your heart sing and beat fast because cardio is essential.
During our last week of training we switched up the focus and our shoes. Our workout was inspired by two time NBA champion all Kevin Durant and we were treated to the brand new KD 11s. When designing his shoe, Durant wanted a “broken-in” feel. He doesn’t like tying his laces too tight, so he aimed for a feel between a sock and a lightweight runner. As we did shooting drills sitting in a chair, two things crossed my mind…1) Do I even lift? (my arms are killing me!) and 2) Am I even wearing shoes? I found the KDs much lighter than the KYRIES and I love a good Flyknit. If I was to pick a favourite the KD 11s would be it. And let’s be honest, this limited edition peach colour is on point.
- Elaine Fancy Photography
- Elaine Fancy Photography
I’m so happy that I decided to step outside my comfort zone and take part in this journey. Cause to be honest guys, I was very nervous about looking like a dweeb on the court. And if you’re wondering, no the WNBA hasn’t called yet, but I’m not giving up! Thanks Kaepernick!
Do you play basketball? What’s your favourite basketball shoe?