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I don’t know about you, but by 10 AM my sugar cravings are already next level. Like can I get a green smoothie with a side of gummy bears please!?

If I’m being totally honest, I’ve had hard core sweat sessions that ended with a bag of gummy bears for dinner followed by fuzzy peaches for dessert.

Not my finest hour. It was clear to me… I needed help!

We’ve heard it before, sugar is the devil himself. It comes to steal, kill and destroy your body with enough negative effects to make your head spin. Weight gain, high cholesterol, increased blood pressure, just to name a few…

So I forced myself to quit cold turkey, but that was an EPIC fail. I ended up binging a week later at the movie theatre with one of those jumbo bags of Sour Patch Kids after my vow of abstinence. So I thought to myself, could I really be addicted to sugar? What that even a thing? I 100% was and it 100% is.

Scientists have found that sugar is addictive and stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as cocaine or heroin. 

Some people even experience physiological changes within the brain when they eat sugary or highly refined foods. So their brains change and the sugar addiction gets stronger. Just like those hard-core drugs, getting off sugar leads to withdrawal and cravings, requiring an actual detox process to wean off.

So if this post is speaking to you, welcome to your sugar rehab. Here are five ways that I’ve personally used to kick my sugar cravings to the curb. They worked for me, so I hope they’ll do the same for you.

Never Go Hungry

From this moment on, sugar is no longer your worst enemy hunger is. The moment you let yourself get too hungry all bets are off and you’re bound to eat crap. It’s like when you go to the grocery store on an empty stomach and wonder how you ended up with 2 boxes of Twinkies in your cart, one which you already opened on while shopping through the store. Guilty! So to avoid the embarrassment of everyone thinking that you are shoplifting, plan your meals ahead of time. Pack lunches and snacks to avoid temptation and the candy aisle (dip in blood sugar and reach for the sweets as a quick fix).

Choose Smarter Sweets

Believe it or not, that sweet flavour you crave comes in other forms than cake, overpriced “skinny” lattes-frappuccinos or [insert your sweet addiction here]. When a craving hits, and trust me it will, try satisfying it with a food that is naturally sweet, like fresh fruit. Tip: fruits that are in season will usually be sweeter.

Drink Lots of Water

If you’re not drinking at least 4 cups of water a day, it’s time to step up your game. Drinking more water can add volume to your blood and dilute sugar, aiding in your detox process. Not to mention it’ll also give you clearer skin, regulate bowel movements and save you money. Yes, water is FREE so stop ordering juice when you eat out.

Spice Up Your Life

Add more spices into your diet. Cinnamon and vanilla give the perfect perception of sweetness without the added sugar. I like them to add them to my coffee, overnight oats and yoghurt.

Stick It Out for 3 weeks

According to science, it takes 21 days to break a habit. So for the next 3 weeks, stay as motivated as possible to adopt the lifestyle changes above to help wean your taste buds off of processed sugar. Don’t give up, it’ll be so worth it!

Are you addicted to sweets?